This is the section for all you gamers and readers out there to send in all your emails and questions/discussions. This will basically be filled up with letters from everyone, on either Zelda Dolphin, Zelda MoM, or the Video Game world. This section will be updated daily.

Discussions Posted New:

"September, 28th 2000: From: at 23:21 Eastern time:

Subject: How Dare you!!! : You hacked htloz? How dare you!!! Falco-X is one of my good friends, so if they hacked you, you deserved it!!!!!! ____________________________________________________________"

First of all, I need to clear this up altogether for everyone. I did not in fact HACK HTLOZ for the final time, All I did do was speak against them on my site. Now, a friend of mine who was working with hackers got it hacked down, and I was left RESPONSIBLE. I NEVER did do it, and I must make it abundantly clear to everyone. If you had read my rumors section, you would have already known this as it is about the 6th rumor on the page.

"September, 29th 2000: From: at 10:19 Eastern time:

Subject: I need help: What is the code that you use to hide the NameZero banner in your site? _________________________________________________________________________"

Listen I am going to have to reiterate this to everyone. What I do with the banners is private business use only. I do not share my secrets of how the banners are not found on the site. Many people may want to know, but I am not giving out any information. All I can say is it's a simple HTML code that you can install anywhere in a box, and it destroys the banner. There isn't even that large of a banner though anyway for namezero, or none at all if I'm not mistaken so why worry? For the final time, the banner secrets are under wraps. Besides that, I'm buying a domain so I will not have any use for the "banner codes" or whatever the heck they are, now, any gaming discussions or questions please email me at the below address.

"November, 14 2000: From: at 10:31 Eastern time:

Subject: Affiliate ' here is my site. thankyou for considering me. Please e-mail me . Thanx.'"

Ok, I need to point this out once again to everyone. In order to affiliate with Triforceland, please copy the following HTML code onto your site, NOTE: it has been changed since and I discarded the old banner, so you'll get an X unless you follow this: <.A HREF="" TARGET="_BLANK"> <.IMG SRC="" ALT="Triforceland" BORDER="0">. Please take out all the periods before "a" and "img" for it to show up. You may ONLY affiliate once per site I can't put up multiple links. Then send the URL of your site to me, and I will simply add it within the update. If the site is not found or doesn't exist, I can't add it and also, that banner I am going to be changing again because it had many mistakes made with it that I hadn't planned for what I wanted in the beginning, so when the new banner is done, pay close attention to the HTML code for affiliation, because that will also be changed. Finally a new website hosting service will soon be started at, which will give you unlimited space as well as complete freedom of speech and other benefits so be sure to check that out when it is complete.

"November 21, 2000: From: at 8:32 Eastern Time:

Subject: (none) 'you stupid fart (inserted logo of bull crushing someones head)'"

Wow, could you not have come up with a more intelligent response??? My goodness aren't we the genius today. Funny enough, your picture didn't even manage to show up hmm I wonder why. Listen you incompetent vermin, if you have the audacity to come and insult me, at least do it with some merit. 3 words and a 'hate' image are hardly enough to get a point across. If you have a problem with the site or suggestion, say so instead of being so antagonistic. I'm here to make improvements and do whatever I need to to make it enjoyable for everyone, not get insulted. Think about that the next time you decide to open your mouth or whatever it is you use.

"December 10, 2000: From: at: 9:35 Eastern Time:

Subject: 'Your site, needs some serious organization... LoL. Sorry but it just doesn't look too great. I just thought I'd e-mail and tell you... if you'd like I could help with it. That's if you decied to update it. --Bowen--'

Thank you for a polite response. I would be glad to change anything as people see fit to make this site better. As I can not be held totally responsible I must tell you of the situation. This site has been undergoing remodeling for quite a while, I intended to get it all done with in a reasonable time limit but unfortunately I have work, school other things I have to do and some certain mistakes were created which I hadn't intended. Those being the messed up way the site page looks right now, and also the Banner. Now I have fixed problem number 1, I am currently getting problem # 2 the banner I had intended and not the thing I got off of my hard drive which it is saved under. Both these things will be addressed and over with by next update. If you have any further suggestions please don't hesitate to ask.

"December 20, 2000: From: "Lexie" at: 10:54 Eastern Time:

Subject: Question 'First of all i know you've heard it alot but you are a zelda GOD. Any ways to skip to my supject Were did you learn how to hack was it a friend a website any of that if you could tell me were to get it i have been a long time fan of yours and always will, GamerX'

Thank you so very much for your comments. I appreciate the positive response, but I'm afraid I can only take half of the credit. If it wasn't for Zelda Dude, I don't think I would have any of those magnificient codes on the site I have today. He is truely an astonishment in more ways then one this guy, dating back since 1999. I didn't know him too well at the time, but I saw him around often. He found out about my website though through a friend and came to it, and we quickly became good friends. He knows me in real life by the way, but back then was the beginning of the Abstrusness of Hyrule message board. He came over to it and started claiming things about codes, he was over at my house that day and it quickly grew and grew. Zelda Dude was mainly interested in the whole thing since the Wise Owl possibly the greatest gameshark hacker there ever will be, discovered the Beta Quest. It was a moment in history, a moment which shined in all directions. Zelda Dude's greatest fascination was the beta quest, and all facets of it that went with it. He helped hack codes like Beta Zoras Domain, a removed town, and many other things with some of the other hackers in the team we had at the time, and from Kukyfrope's Gameshark Hacking team. Kukyfrope and I have always been good friends since our meeting and he was wondering about him and asking me questions. Zelda Dude seemed very over ambitious and spirited at the time, he went after some very crazy things, and often dragged people along with him for the ride. Then during that point Zelda Dude discovered something related to the Sky Temple, one of the greatest mysteries in all of zelda. He set out with the people from the team to unlock it. Kukyfrope and several others thought he had gone crazy, so they rejected his decisions. I personally hadn't known too much at the time so I told them when they asked that I didn't honestly know him too well or what kind of person he was. Zelda Dude then constructed his own uniform Gameshark Hacking Team, right about the time I left the internet. This team became a big success, and launched right off the fly. Some of the most precedent gameshark hackers there were became a part of that team, and a part of history in the process. However many believed that Zelda Dudes hacking methods and quests for truth were too ego driven and didn't leave much room for the team to work. Some time later the team sort of broke off and disjointed itself from the internet. Well I came back finally, with my new website and Zelda Dude and I who were great friends talked for a while and he decided that he would join in, but the problem came in the fact the team had dispersed. Zelda Dude then told me before that, that he set out on a mission himself which had taken him from the very heart of the game cart and back again, one where he left the internet for a while during that time. He said that between the time my site had been offline, he had been hacking non stop, and had found the 200 line code which lead to the Sky Temple, a place that was denied to exist even in the beta quest. This astounding discovery he made progressed as he came back, since he was able to hack the code literally down to a manageable format after a very long debugging job. This then resulted in the code you see before you today, he just had it jump onto the screen during the exact time the scene would have played. Over the year or so, I have seen him evolve into something beyond that of normal, he is truely an extraordinary Gameshark Hacker and has proved it in my mind and many others. Once he just went with no direction or care in his exploits, now he seems to be driven with a purpose. He goes after things no normal GS hackers would ever dream or think of, and he climbs the largest mountain to get him there. All in all, I think all he really wants is to achieve that sense of greatness, the greatness that his mentor The Wise Owl felt when he achieved the Beta Quest, successfully after all that work, and to have himself step into the legends shoes and be that seems to be his greatest dream. And although he may seem to do best alone and solo in his conquest, I'm sure he's never too shy to take his friends along for the ride. So thank you, but you should really be thanking Zelda Dude for the time and work he put into these codes, to help make this site great and also all the other hackers and code finders for their contributions as well. Myself, I only own one of those regular gamesharks and put in the codes they tell me to. But I have considered other options lately. Thanks for writing in.

"December 30, 2000: From: at: 12:34 Eastern Time:

Subject: Affiliate 'Hi! I, Ryan, am the webmaster of a new Zelda site called Zelda Masters Headquarters. I would like to be an affiliate of yours. I like your site! Plus, I just started out my site and I know that if you can give me time and help me with publicity, it could turn out awesome! Please give me a visit here: ZMHQ Home Another thing...your logo has been posted on it and I've linked to you on my front page. The navigation side is where I'll start posting affiliates. However, do you have a banner or button that I could use? Thanks for your time! --Ryan'

I already answered this above, the banner address has been changed. It can now be found at and will show up on any site so far I have tested. I do not have a button unfortunately, or smaller link for the site so I suggest you make an affiliate section and put the large banner in it there. Remember, the only thing that needs to be changed about the banner code to affiliate with this site now is the address, it is now where you will find the banner.

"January 2, 2001: From: 'Brian Smith' at: 9:04 Eastern Time:

Subject: Wear Fierce Deity Mask In Clock Town 'On your page, I can't seem to do the Fierce Deity Mask In Clock Town cheat. I've tried everything at the start of the Honey and Darling shooting game. Can you please explain it in more detail for me? Because I've even tried it with an autofire controller and it didn't work.'

Sorry but I guess you didn't know, apparently you can not do that code as well as several other codes if you own the US version of Majoras Mask. It unfortunately was a code only left in the Grey Version of Japan, and never made it over seas. I am sorry that they did it that way but fear not, a gameshark code which will have the mask all the time will remedy this situation.

"January 8, 2001: From: 'Reene Nymph' at: 9:12 Eastern Time:

Subject: Hello 'Hello you filthy little bastard. Remember me? It's GG. You left me to take the fall for the things you did. You left me to take all the blame after you said you'd be there for me. I've been searching for you and I am twice the person now you'll ever be. You're just a stupid script kiddie, you're absoloutly nothing, but you think you're god. I believed in you. You betrayed me. I'll destroy you for that. It's about time I got my revenge for what you did to me. ! Reene ! "We drank so much coffee while making it, so we decided to name it that." - Creators of Java and Javascript'

My my my, aren't we enjoying life. Seriously, you expect me to believe this after all this time??? I welcome comments and suggestions, but death threats are going a little bit too far. Don't you have anything else in life to be doing at this tme??? I find it interesting you found me, being our introduction was so long ago. And I must tell you, I had nothing to do with your hackng plans and that whole fiasco you accuse me of. I advise you to seek help, before my friends seek it for you. Honestly, whatever that was there between us, read the rumors section, it has long since been gone.

"January 24, 2001: From: 'Golden Knight' at: 10:28 Eastern Time. ' All right, the code on your site only works for Beta Version, and you need a Gameshark for the enable code to work, so I want to tell you about another glitch I found to become FD Link. Go to Sakon's Hideout. When you're playing as Link, put any mask on. When you switch to Kafei, press start, and put the FD Mask on the C-Button the mask you're wearing is on. As soon as the scene switches back to Link, you become FD Link. Now complete the hideout to leave, and jump into the river to get to the Swamp. You can explore most of Termina as FD Link! By the way, if you do the same trick, but put another mask to the C-Button instead of FD, Link will put on that mask. But if you try to become Giant Link, the game freezes up. Oh, and also, here's a bonus glitch. It's not much, but it's fun. When Sakon is running away with the Bomb Bag, shoot him and the Bomb Bag will explode, killing Sakon! Golden Knight ____________________________________________________________'

Hmmm that seems to be true, I just tried it and it worked. Well now maybe everyone who complains all the time about not having codes for 3.21/3.22 etc etc to use Fierce Deity link, will shut up now huh??? Heh that would be interesting.

Gaming Discussions, Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Codes all mail to