Alot of people have come across various rumors they have either seen or heard regarding me. Here these rumors will either be proven or disproved automatically and for once everyone will get to the truth.
RUMOR NUMBER 1: "TriforceGuy has a girlfriend! He's going out with GamingGoddess!"
I can't make it more clear here about this. I NEVER had a thing with GamingGoddess. For A while, we were friends even though she was from HTLOZ and we did a website together for a little while some time ago. She was a good friend, and then one day she did something regarding the site for whatever reason, the one we were working on and erased my hard work. I never spoke to her again basically END OF STORY!!!! I was never in any kind of relationship with her at all, and after that incident we never talked again. I do not care about her at all now, nor do I even remember when we were friends. So no more dragging up this old rumor it's long gone and old now I would like no emails about this thank you. This Rumor is TRUE, and is FALSE.
RUMOR NUMBER 2: "ZeldaDude and TriforceGuy are the same! I saw something about an IP etc etc"
Oh goooood. This seems to be one of the most misinterpeted rumors of all time!! Zelda Dude and me are NOT the same. Zelda Dude and me are best friends that are actually in real life, in so much that he knows everything about my life etc etc my little events with people like GamingGoddess, but we are in NO WAY the same. Zelda Dude was over at my house that one day and using my computer which is when this whole fiasco started. Zelda Dude is a GS hacker he hacks worthwhile codes etc and we share secrets, but he can't run a website!! He has his own anyways that is basically a completely odd looking thing that has really nice codes and things that are real competition for Zelda Dude is a wonderful guy, he is owner of one of the largest GS Hacking Teams there is on the net. People all over join his already expansive hacking team and I am now sharing in its power. If you have ever heard of the Abstrusness Of Hyrule, the webmaster has a hacking team there. Zelda Dude's team is larger then this one! Right now Zelda Dude has given me an important message regarding the triforce and also some sort of secret in the cart, and over the next few weeks we will all be investigating it together, blowing this wide apart. Whenever you need help with GS or anything related to it, I reccomend Zelda Dude at Rumor is FALSE.
RUMOR NUMBER 3: "TriforceGuy is Stealth Matrix! They did a trace and we proved they are the same person!"
This for sure is one of the whackiest rumors around out there about me. This started a long time ago, basically when Stealth Matrix was hacking the hell out of my website long before I learned how to be a hacker and got the tools and skills I need to combat this moronic behavior. Stealth Matrix, was basically just posting somewhere with MY name at the Temple Of Light Message Board, and several other places including a open forum where everybody saw it. Then I posted there and they saw my IP matched his. The whole circumstance was Stealth Matrix used his "skillz" to hack into MY ISP account and used my IP address when posting the message. I have seen him do this, and know for a fact he is capable of doing it as he's done it to several people I know. Then, this huge rumor spread all over the internet basically to everybody that is online, that I am in fact Stealth Matrix. This was the biggest parade of ridicule that went on. Basically, when this happened they traced the IP back to the source and Stealth had some way of masking his own real address with my own, so of course there you have it proof that I'm Stealth Matrix laid out perfectly. But all along, this rumor has been proved undeniably FALSE. I especially don't have the kind of stupid spanish dialect he has.
RUMOR NUMBER 5: "TriforceGuy is a hacker!"
I can openly say that this is true. I taught myself my own hacking skills and became a great hacker on my own to combat the evil that plagued me. I can and will use the full effect of my abilities when needed and when called for. Anyone anymore who openly hacks, defames or makes fun of my site to me directly, will get much more then they bargained for. So it isn't a good idea to piss this webmaster off. I honestly don't want to hack anybody, but when it calls for it with my website, I will oblige.This Rumor is most definitely TRUE.
RUMOR NUMBER 6: "TriforceGuy hacked and was hacked by cuz and the administrators of!!!!"
I honestly did do this, and it was quite a riot. Good old the kings of stupid lowlifes and no good administrator/hackers. I did quite a fiasco with these guys one that got me quite literally thrown off the net. Cuz and Sephiroth, were the people who hacked my connection, but it was Falco-X who hacked my computer and took me out so I wasn't seen yet again. I still look back at this quite enjoyably and laugh, because those stupid bastards got what they deserved. This Rumor is TRUE.
RUMOR NUMBER 7: "TriforceGuy was hacked by Falco-X and HTLOZ members!"
I have been hacked by the best, and everything in between. This is absolutely 100 percent TRUE. First off I was hacked by Deadly Muffinz and Kol, basically good friends of Falco and Ultima. They did some really bad work to my comp that threw me off the net for a while. I was then hacked by someone who Ultima hired, who was at the time named "BlueDeamon" I believe. This guy plus DM (short for deadly muffinz) hacked me yet again. Then I got my next little visit. These guys weren't from HTLOZ at all. No, the Infamous Justin Nichols of Ices Zelda Central hacked me and had a little fun with my entire setup. The last point was Falco-X himself, who got tired of having his minions do the dirty work and took me down quite honarbly.
RUMOR NUMBER 8: "TriforceGuy hacked Hyrule The Land Of Zelda!!!!!
Its time I come out with this: It was not I who hacked HTLOZ but a friend of mine and someone else who did it. This person used the security hole in the firewall, to go inside and flood the bandwidth so high the site exploded. Which is when it went on and got a new server. After this incident, someone called the "WebPolice" went around everywhere and exclaiming very loud that I had hacked HTLOZ and that I was the scum of the earth. This person "WebPolice" was in fact Falco-X himself, which I later found out to my shock, and was really trying to get me in trouble for everything and when he couldn't, El Toro/Falco-X resorted to hacking. The other people noted to be involved: J50 and Maquest 2 people who helped create designs for TLR, The Light Realm, J50's new site. Which has now been redeveloped into Zelda: The Legacy I heard,
RUMOR NUMBER 9: "TriforceGuy found the Beta Quest!!!"
This is one of the most overexaggerated rumors of all of them. I DID NOT in FACT FIND the Beta Quest, what I did do was I FOUNDED it. I was the original website out there with the first ever idea of the beta quest which was called, "Quest For The Beta Quest" in which I voluntarily recruited people and volunteers to start a project which would revolutionize zelda. It was right after my exclusive Triforce Glitch came out which changed everything I thought about the triforce forever. In the project, we were going to decompile the Zelda Cart itself, and find and unlock everything we could inside of the ROM then compile it into a new game, tentatively called "The Beta Quest ROM". This last part never fell through, but I may do it soon. Anyways about 4 days after I started the very first "Quest For The Beta Quest" the Wise Owl one of the greatest Gameshark Hackers that ever will be known, emailed me from In the email, he told me of the great news and what he had just started and discovered. Wise Owl had something that will revolutionize games forever, and he was one of the very first people to get it. A Gameshark 3.0 Pro. I told him "Surely you can't actually hack with that thing can you!???" and he replied to my astonishment much more then I could believe. The Gameshark PRO, used a sophisticated hacking technology that resembles and basically duplicates that of a Decompiler on your PC. Except in this case, it can instantly find the locked up data and ACCESS it immediately!! Wise Owl told me for the very first time of what he had discovered, and I flipped. It was the real, very first only intact Beta Quest for Zelda64 on the cart. This new quest featured everything my Beta Quest Quest had included and much more! Except it could all be accessed on Gameshark!!! This was simply astounding and extremely gratifying to me, as my dream had come true. The Beta Quest was real and it was right in front of me and every possible desire I could ever need at my finger tips. This launched the Beta Quest revolution which accessed hundreds if not more, dormant data threads which had never been used or seen on the Zelda 64 cart, including MANY now famous Triforce Glitches. But one of the most intriguing things about this was, a certain code which allowed you to access a beta temple that wasn't finished. Link could actually walk in the sky in this code, but it was never completed or finished. Zelda Dude, took it upon himself to use the code to hack out everything create textures, etc anything even make a map of some sort that would make it for once and truely, the Sky Temple. I could not believe this it was so amazing. My website was the very first to found the Beta Quest and to feature it on the site. In the continuation, I will put up everything about this new discovery and we will explore it in even more depth in the coming weeks. If what Zelda Dude has unearthed is the actual pre beta temple, then the triforce may somehow be able to be programmed back in. Apparently what Lvink found, another great GS hacker was the code could not be completed without the 64DD addon and it said it in the editor. This could be true, but we will explore into this much further before giving up so stay tuned.
I will be adding more rumors in the future when I can remember them. In the meantime, if you have more interest in learning about TriforceGuy(me) read the TriforceGuy History section which dialogues my entire history ever since I got on to the net from the official MB, and all the way to present. NOTE: It is very long