The Wall Of Cowards
One of the greatest cowards that will ever grace zelda, he is a shame of what could be called courage. He runs even now, and I thank him for every horrible thing he's done to me, every misdeed he has passed on me as it has made myself stronger and my website flourish even greater. Thank you Falco-X, this is my tribute to him.
Stealth Matrix
I don't know where to begin. He is a coward, and a foolish individual if I have ever seen one. He made everyone on the net believe I was him and hacked practically everything known to man, a really dispicable psychopath. I no longer even think about my past minglings with him, but when I do I think of the rotten core he has and his overall craziness that helped moved me forward. Thank you Stealth Matrix, this is my tribute to him.
This is the most sour showing of a coward that there ever can be. Where people betray eachother, and one sells another out for power and more attention. TRA_LINK who I knew died long ago, replaced with Espio, the indefinite new member of HTLOZ's sorbid hellish staff. He passed up everything we had to go out and become the subsidiary of that power hungry monster and with no thought in it at all. Thank you TRA_LINK, this is my tribute to him.
A no good down and dirty hacker administrator of, a foolish service that I shall never put my trust in. Used his skills to put me out some time ago. Thank you Cuz, this is my tribute to him.
The Wall Of Idealism
The Wise Owl
The Wise Owl is one of the best and possibly the best Gameshark Hacker ever known to man, and that ever will be. He discovered the beta quest code, and many other magical things in zelda which all thought was dead. There can never be an end to the joy and greatness he brought. Thank you The Wise Owl, this is my tribute to him.
Mohommed Baddah
A great and formiddable Gameshark hacker, who hacked using a ROM decompiler on his PC and was very effective in uncovering some of the greatest secrets ever known. Thank you Mohommed, this is my tribute to him.
Magus Drakhenn
A great supporter and fan, and quite a good code finder in his own right. Immediately after putting up his new glitch on Odyssey Of Hyrule, he emailed me and congradulated me on finding the Beta Quest. Moments in history that will never be forgotten. Thank you Magus Drakhenn, this is my tribute to him.
Luigi Link
One of the most underrated people on the net, who runs a small website called was a great loyal fan to me among the hardest days and was very under awcknowledged. Thank you Luigi Link, this is my tribute to him.
Lvink/Joel Feitz
One of the greatest glitch finders I had seen in a long time, he found incredible glitches for my website in rows. The founder of the See Triforce Glitch his name will be remembered for quite some time. Thank you Lvink, this is my tribute to him.
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The Wall Of Intelligence
A truely artistic and creative webmaster the world may never see again. His site was first to feature my beta quest, my and the wise owl's back when he was on geocities where new codes were also formed. His great overall statistics create his name for his site The Abstrusness Of Hyrule. A great webmaster I liked knowing. Thank you KukyFrope, this is my tribute to him.
Video Gamer X
A truely creative and intriguing webmaster the world may never see again. His site was last to feature the beta quest when it was teamed up with Abstrusness of Hyrule for gameshark blowout 2000 which was truely an awesome thing to see. His great overall mysteriousness create his name for his site The Odyssey of Hyrule. A great webmaster I liked knowing. Thank you Video Gamer X, this is my tribute to him.
An interestingly funny and cool webmaster noone may ever know of again. His site was among the third to feature the beta quest, and continued putting more and more pictures up which was awesome. His funny and quirkiness create his name for his site ZeldaPower. A great webmaster I liked knowing. Thank you Link64, this is my tribute to him.
A great and amazingly laid back webmaster that is very rare. His site never featured the beta quest, instead he went on and created his own Dolphin websites and other domains now known throughout the net. His laid back style create his websites wherever he goes. A great webmaster I liked knowing. Thank you AdultLink, this is my tribute to him.
The Wall Of Friendship
Zelda Dude
A great friend and overall supporter of me through thick and thin, a truely stupendous Gameshark Hacker and overall wonderful person. Thank you Zelda Dude, this is my tribute to him.
A creative and artistic in nature person with a musical quality. She defected from HTLOZ and we worked on a website together a long while ago. It was great to have known her and been friends for that time. Thank you GamingGoddess, this is my tribute to her.
Agahnim the Wizard
A weird and often quirky but funny guy I knew for a long time, and overall crazy. We did projects together and even stuff with the beta quest. It was great to have known him and been friends for that time. Thank you Agnahim, this is my tribute to him.
Probobly the only HTLOZ staff member I ever liked or could laugh at, I enjoyed knowing him and his news and info was great. A wonderful Fan who will never be forgotten, even though he secretly came to my site against his lord's wishes. Thank you Spots, this is my tribute to him.
The Wall Of Decadence
The Mensos Finder
A low life who has nothing better to do but come to our site and spam with his worthless posts insulting everyone and anyone around him. A truely unkindly individual. Thank you The Mensos Finder, this is my tribute to him.
Dignafied Cheeze
This guy is basically the lowest of lifeforms that can be classafied on the net, a spammer. Why they grow up like this is anyones guess. Thank you Dignafied Cheeze, this is my tribute to him.
A truely vile individual someone who spread lies and misinformation about me all over like a Tabloid Reporter, unknown if he was related to the Hyrulian Times. Thank you SCUD WHO CARES, this is my tribute to him.
The Wall of Bravery
I don't know, to me it takes a pretty courageous person to be able to admit when they were wrong, mislead or lead astray and all around stuck. This is the kind of characteristic you don't see every day, and here Ultima9999 has demonstrated all of the above. He has moved himself off of his old wall, and onto a new one. Now no longer guided by the Demon Bird, he has joined IZC's quirky respectable staff under Maniacal Clown. Thank you Ultima9999, this is my tribute to him.
Justin Nichols
Another person demonstrates bravery and moves off of his former wall onto a new one. The long bad relationship we had ends, and now thus the changing of the guard. Thank you Justin Nichols, this is my tribute to him.
Once again, another amazing shift occurs here, and J50 former webmaster of the Temple Of Light and the Light Realm, now of ZTL: Zelda The Legacy gives an apology and makes ammends with his old foe. Someone with true courage only and valor could accomplish such a feat and make it here. Thank you J50, this is my tribute to him.
The Wall Of Redemption
Cloud Strife
It is believed now a days that one cannot change, that people are fixed in the way they are. The truth is, these are all lies. We all change from day to day, and as what has been demonstrated up above happens, you see people move from Wall to Wall to Wall. Cloud Strife has earned a special wall in his honor, long since a sinister hacker and individual who had a deep wrenching hate for another group of people on the internet and loathed them with all his soul. He now has demonstrated something few will ever achieve, Redemption. He gives a new sense of hope to us all, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we don't have to walk it alone. Thank you Cloud Strife, this is my tribute to him.
This ends the Walls, until more are recognized or thought up. You don't have to prove anything to be on the walls. It's really quite simple how it works if you read above.